I am afraid of offending you
One that I hold so dear
I know I should not feel this way
Whenever you are near

I know I shouldn’t feel this way
I should strive to be myself
But because I do not wish to offend
I put it on the shelf

The romantic you bring out in me
The things that I ought be
My thoughts and desires are wholly yours
If only I could see

Those feelings that I feel for you
I need to want laid bare
The desires of my heart and mind
To bear witness how much I care

These thoughts whirl through my empty head
A storm that does not cease
One day I hope to very soon
Within you and me have peace

Together As One

You are so amazing
In everything you do
I struggle to keep up
But I will follow you

From the top of you head
To the tips of your toes
I am so attracted
To you this feeling grows

Lingering in the air
Your smell excites my senses
Longing so for the day
There are no more pretenses

I have fallen for you
More than my mind allows
Do I want so much more?
Can my heart make such vows?

We’ve a long road ahead
Til this journey is done
A voyage to be made
Us together as one

Cross the Bridge

I have so much to say to you
Of my hopes, my dreams and my fears
I want to say it from face to face
And know that it enters your ears
To see your smile, to see your eyes
To watch you as you brush your hair
To touch you where you need me to
To show to you how much I care

I have so much to you to show
And so much that I want to do
If only we could just cross this bridge
Forever I could be with you

My Head My Heart Denies

It’s happened once again
My heart leading my head
My mind in submission
Just waiting to be lead

Waited tonight again
Feeling I’ve been stood up
Wallowing irritation
Overflows my tiny cup

You say one thing you’ll do
Held before me, a prize
Ecstasy does ensue
Until I realize
I’m lead again by you
My head my heart denies


This veil of secrecy
This wall that’s between us
Must someday soon come down
As nothing lasts forever
So open to each other
That is what we must be
Our protection and cover
To each other become
That we reach paradise

Take My Hand

As I lie down tonight
Kheli is on my mind
As bottomless sleep I fight
Many things come to mind

Pictures I’ve been granted
Not recent, no not one
But in them are planted
A story to be spun

Beautiful woman seen
Your eyes the deepest blue
A vision so pristine
They make me fall for you

Into your arms I’d rush
As emotions run amuck
My flesh with yours is flush
A tender pose is struck

To kiss your glis’ning lips
Is something I must do
My hands upon your hips
As I do this to you

Into the future goes
Our hopes and cheery dreams
To see that a love grows
Amidst some other’s schemes

With you I could grow old
With memories so warm
If I may be so bold
As love itself takes form

With silent breath I wait
Patiently I must stand
As you must contemplate
When you will take my hand

With You Beside Me

Do you miss me when I’m gone
In the way that I miss you?
I miss you so bad it hurts
But are these deep feelings true?

I want so to be with you
To feel your lingering touch
To know the thoughts within you
It’s something I want so much

To spend our lives together
Would be so worthy a prize
I can not quite imagine
What we scarcely realize

I never want to miss you
As much as I have done here
I want to spend all my time
With you beside me near