To My Wife on Her Birthday

The years have treated you kindly
And of that there is no doubt
This day of yours is special
A good day you should flout

I wish I was there with you
To celebrate this day
To hold and hug you tight
Till come whatever may

I find myself adrift
O’er what we both could do
If ever I had a wish
I wish to be with you

© 2010. Kenneth Harl. All rights reserved.

Be Your Man

I love every inch of your body
I love every inch of your hair
What oh what more can I do
To show you how much I care?

The best is what I want for you
The best is what I can to give
Why oh why do we do this
When together we can live?

I try to be the best man
In that I sometimes fall short
I want to be that best man
But stupidly I do thwart

Promise to be your your husband
In every way I can
Oh please give us this last chance
For me to be your man

© 2010. Kenneth Harl. All rights reserved.


I wish that we could talk
The way we used to do
Deep into darkest night
All about me and you

The dreams we had in mind
The deepest thoughts we shared
The rumors of our love
Through our talks were declared

I miss the talks that we had
I miss the time with you
I miss the moonlit walks
Please don’t say we’re through

© 2010. Kenneth Harl. All rights reserved.


I keep hitting walls
Set up in your mind
Stubbornness to the will
Of One who’s loving kind

I wish that you could see
The joy our life could bring
Testimony of our love
Like sunshine in the spring

The walls that you have built
Are strong enough to stand
The storms and the trials
Brought around by any man

If your walls don’t come down
And you aren’t able to see
You’ll not experience love
Like the kind you had with me

© 2010. Kenneth Harl. All rights reserved.

You and I

The time we spend together
The long times we are apart
Oh, will our love this weather
With this wholly brand new start

We sit apart from each other
In entirely different states
I a father, you a mother
For now that must be our fates

Soon the time will come to pass
Our time together will be
And when that time will come at last
Together there, you and me

Originally written 4-18-2010

© 2010. Kenneth Harl. All rights reserved.